Saturday 13 & Sunday 14 April
LSC Unit 1-2 Leeds Place
Tollington Park
London N4 3RF
10:00 – 17:00
Early enrollment is £170 for both days, and individual days £85 before March 1st 2024.
Thereafter £200 for both days or £100 for an individual day.
Click on Contact Adam to enrol or for further information.

Adam Hellinger
Adam began studying postural and relational awareness in 1985 with The Alexander Technique. This developed into a practice of Tai Chi and Chi Kung from 1986 and eventually to the style of Chi Kung. Adam since 1990 practices Yi Chuan, with[…]

What is Shiatsu?
Shiatsu is a system of exercise, healthcare, philosophy and self-development based upon the principles of Yin and Yang. Shiatsu is a holistic bodywork therapy from Japan which has benefits on all levels ~ physical, emotional and spiritual. It has been[…]

What is Tuina
Tuina is a form of therapeutic massage originating from China. The treatment is given following the same diagnostic principles as acupuncture, and as such, the practitioner will look at how the client generates, stores and circulates their energy as a[…]

What is Chi Kung?
Chi Kung is an ancient form of exercise originating in China. Chi Kung translates as ‘energy exercise’ or ‘to work one’s energy’ an important aspect of Chinese Medicine. Chi Kung has developed into many different styles and forms over the[…]